This past Sunday our parish leadership team gathered to connect, dream, pray, play, and imagine. From this work we are inviting the whole parish into a discernment process around what is God calling us to in this moment. Part of this discernment will involve using some of the resources bequeathed to us by Carolyn Clapp.
Starting in September we will be collecting ideas of what God is calling us to using post-it notes in our worship spaces. After collecting ideas we will categorize them. Maybe a bunch are about the SFC house or about ministry with children. We want to make sure we are putting our resources to use in a variety of ways. Then we will take care of low hanging fruit. An example of this came up during our retreat on Sunday when while making lunch it was discovered that we do not have a functional can opener in the Trinity Building! So God calling us to get a working can opener is a pretty easy job to take on. All the other more complex ideas generated will go through a second discernment process Mid-October through Mid-November where folks will pick the ideas that are either compelling to them or that they want to work on. Everyone will receive six dot stickers and you can place those next to the ideas you find most compelling. People will be able to place dots virtually and through the mail as well as in our worship spaces. We want to include everyone in this work. From there the leadership team will make a priority list and by December we will have some decided direction for what is next!
So our work now is to dream and pray. What is God calling us to and what is God asking you to do about it? We already have a bunch of ideas listed below. Maybe seeing these will inspire you to add to the list. Send your ideas to me or get ready to add them in our worship spaces in September!
This is an exciting moment in our life as a parish and it is so wonderful to have the financial and leadership resources to dream big!!
Host a block party
General Sanctuary refresh/deep clean
Electric sign to replace reader board
Xeriscaping |
Image/outreach review
Solar power on roof of church
Pay students a stipend to be choir section leaders
Establish a dining room space for small dinners
Hire a part time youth/kids ministry person
Use the parking lot for a camp for houseless folks
Host a soup kitchen
Host a community fair
Build BBQ for outdoor events
Tithe to another org
Garden clean up- invest in food for community
Throw a party for the neighborhood
Wire and pulley system for sanctuary
ADU at SFC House
AV station |
AV storage |
Buy Worship & Song
Can opener for the kitchen
Children’s Choir |
Choir room piano
Coffee Cart in parking lot
Enhanced health care for pastor
Fellowship Hall Floor
Fix office doors |
Fix SFC house roof
Fix the carport |
Get grounds more welcoming for visitors
Hand Bells |
improve worship broadcast
Make all restrooms singe use ADA
Memorial Room carpet
Memorial tables and chairs
Multimedia art project
Mural |
New Pew cushions
New safe |
office carpets |
Organize room 1
Parking lot stuff |
Piano maintenance
Put some aside for rainy days
Rekey church |
Sanctuary Carpet
Staff raises |
Update nursery |
Update playground
Update preschool space
Upstairs hallway carpet