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So Angry

I have been thinking a lot about anger lately.  We recently had someone leave the church partially because they did not agree with my theology around being angry with God. I think that it’s okay to take all of our emotions to God. To express anger and lament and...

The Sisterhood of God’s image

I love shoes. And cute jewelry. And the way I feel when my clothes look good and my hair falls just so and I am projecting the image of a sassy, cute, competent gal! This to me is an integrated sense of self where the outside matches who I know God made me to be on...

How to be an upstander

Last week at dinner church one of our kiddos was telling us about being an upstander. This means that instead of being a bystander who just watches something happen an upstander is someone who stands up for others, practices kindness, and helps other people. An...

Gospel Time

After beginning our reading of the bible last year we are heading in to the final section, the gospels!  I am so excited to get back to Jesus.  Today we begin with Matthew, this is a perfect time to start again, begin for the first time, or jump ahead. For April and...