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Love Yourself Lent

I am a fat person. I am 5’9” and weigh 240 pounds. Find my BMI and it will tell you that I am obese. This means that I am supposed to hate myself and spend tons of time and attention on altering my body. But the thing is I love my body. I love my double chin and my...

Oregon, My Oregon

I grew up in Oregon and love this place. The shades of green in the Willamette Valley, the way the trees change as you drive over the Cascades, and the distinct pleasures of going to the beach in a parka are all a part of what home means to me. In school I learned...

Our Why

As our storytelling group began their work this past month they wrestled with why the parish exists.  They came up with this powerful statement: When we started the Sellwood Faith Community in summer 2013 we dreamed of a place where people could be themselves and...

Strategic Focus for 2020

We had the privilege of gathering leaders from across the Parish together earlier this month. After we spent some time talking about who we were as individuals and as a community, then thinking about what God was calling us to over the next 18 months or so we...