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Nobody Told Me

How do you learn? If you don’t know something how do you find out the information? If you aren’t where you want to be in regards to speaking another language, fostering a deeper faith, or acquiring a skill how do you proceed? In the journey of planting a...

What Are We Doing Now

Back in those early days of the pandemic we were adapting and adjusting. After 2 years I’m tried of adjusting and adapting. I want routine. I want to know what to expect. I want to be good at my job again. One example of this comes from our morning worship...


People seem so angry right now. And I’m not just talking about the news out of the supreme court. The other day I was at the mall to buy some new dress pants. A lady in the parking lot flipped me off as I was driving. I guess she thought I should have stopped...

Empty Vessels No More

This blog was originally posted on Hacking Christianity on July 23, 2015. I am sharing it again now in light of the news that Roe v Wade is probably going to be overturned by the Supreme Court. You can read about that news here. Early on in the scriptures we see the...