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Star Words

This Sunday we’ll be opening up envelopes with Star Words in them. These words were sent at random to those who received advent packets. If you didn’t get a word or didn’t get enough for your household you can use the random word generator here. The...

Do Not Be Afraid

365 times in the bible someone says, “do not be afraid.” One reminder to not fear for every day of the year. In the course of the telling of the Christmas story we hear this reminder when Gabriel comes to Mary, when angels appear to both Jacob &...


I often end up receiving a lot of strong emotions. I walk with people in grief and loneliness, am a focus of anger and anxiety, and offer a boundary to push against for those learning about themselves. It is hard this work, and yet I do it out of love. Love sometimes...


I have been laughing a lot lately. It feels like there are fewer instances when humor and happiness bubble up these days so I am trying to make the most of them, to claim joy when I can. Watching tv with my daughter Paige is one way I can harness laughter. She cackles...


Sometimes, on days when I need a moment, I crawl under my cozy comforter and just let my mind wander. The cat comes and curls up with me as my thoughts unfurl. Often here is when things I have been ignoring claim my attention and in my cocoon of comfort I can face...