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A creative collaboration between Trinity United Methodist Church and Sellwood Faith Community

Our community exists to embody the love of God in the world because we believe everyone needs a safe space to be loved for who they are already.

Mary Did You Know?

One of my favorite tv shows (Brooklyn 911) and one of my favorite scripture passages (The Magnificat Luke 1:46-55) come together in this meme.  I wonder what Mary would think as we celebrate advent and reflect on her words.  Yes she did know who Jesus was and what his...

Practical ways to support the grieving

How can you help someone who is spending their days in the icu waiting room, or keeping vigil at a bedside?  How do you support someone who is grieving?  Here are things that were helpful to us over the past 10 days: Practical items: Chapstick (hospitals are...

When the worst happens

This weekend my mom experienced a super rare complication from a cardiac procedure she had last month.  In fact her medical team could only find one other patient who has a similar case and it was a 40something man from South Korea a couple of years ago! My sister and...

The Trinity Building

Last week we had 20 children running around the sanctuary, child actors in the basement, older people improving their balance, several groups supporting each other as they deal with addictions of various kinds, dancers expressing their nordic heritage, a Vietnamese...

Everybody needs a system

How do you store your clothes?  Do you have a designated drawer for different categories of clothes such as a specific drawer for socks and another for t-shirts or do you jut put the clean clothes in the drawer with space each time you do laundry?  Whichever way you...

The Joy of Grief

This  week I am grieving. This morning I officiated at the funeral of a family friend. I spent the afternoon discussing grief as part of our clergy study group’s reading of See No Stranger. And my heart is full with the images and  news out of Gaza & Israel. I’m...

Loving the past and excited for the future.

This week I got to have coffee with a retired colleague. It was so fun talking about all the people we had worked with and learned from throughout the years. Names of people who mentored me as a child, who I sat with at annual conference, who I remember from district...

See No Stranger

As part of our work as clergy in our area we are reading the amazing book See No Stranger: a Manifesto of Revolutionary Love by Valerie Kaur.  Twice a month I will be gathering with a small group of other area United Methodist Pastors to explore and discuss the book...

Discernment practices

This week we are taking some time to practice discernment. On Sunday I shared 4 exercises from Ignation Spirituality as a eay to get started. You can pray, or imagine in your mind, or journal through the prompt and see what God opens up to you. The four practices are...

Stewarding our Holy Character

Each year we take a month in the fall to promote stewardship. This is when we remember the promises we make to one another as a community and think about how we want to live out those promises. As United Methodists we promise when we join a new church to uphold our...