General Conference Update

This past April major changes took place in the rules and structure of the United Methodist Church. Language banning the ordination. or wedding of gay folx was removed. Churches around the world were given more authority to adapt to their communities. And all ordained clergy were given sacramental powers. The church is living into a new way of being, honoring the scared worth of all people.We are decolonizing our church as we recognize that a White, Western worldview isn’t shared by all people or inherently the best way of doing things. And power is being shared so that many might offer the ministry of christ incarnate through the sacraments of the church. This has been a long time coming, and it is with great joy that we shift and transition into a more loving, holistic church denomination.

Here’s an article with more details about the events of General Conference 

Here at the parish we too will continue to love and to work to be a more inclusive community!



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