August is one of my favorite months. It is sun warmed ripe juicy blackberries and dusty dirt trails. It is the fullness of harvest tipping in to the curling leaves as plants die. It’s a cusp moment, a liminal space between this and that. I find it to be one of the richest times of the year full of lazy floats on lakes and busy shopping for back to school supplies. I think this is a holy moment as we are made aware of nature in the every day as we see plats change and fruits ripen. It is a time when we can enjoy the moment while planning ahead for the new year that is beginning.
Our church is in this season fully. We are winding down our summer on growth, just two more Sundays to add to our trees in our worship spaces. And we are looking ahead to our September discernment process and our long term visioning work that will lead us into what ministry looks like in this new hybrid world. We are celebrating fruits and flowers and thinking about those long winter months to come.
As the summer winds down enjoy the sunshine, eat ripe fruit, thank God for creation, and take some space to dream and vision for what is coming next.