Pumpkins with Justice

Every year we host an event where people share their pumpkins and we raise money for UNICEF.  A few years ago we added in an info sheet on all the ballot measures so that we could use the United Methodist Social Principles to help inform our voting. The Social Principles are a prayerful and thoughtful effort of the General Conference to speak to the issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation. Our Peace with Justice team reads the ballot measures for the Trinity neighborhood and then matches the issues in the measures with sections of the Social Principles, creating an info sheet for the Parish. As people vote they can peruse these theological statements to help inform their voting.

The Social Principles are a wonderful starting place as we attempt to live our faith in a complex and wonderful world. Voting is just one way we can shape and influence our world.

Here’s the link the this year’s Pumpkins with Justice Ballot Sheet in case you are interested in seeing all the ways the issues before us connect to our faith.


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