My startup disk is full so today, along with answering the phone, preparing the giving thank you letters for 2019, fixing the wifi, and working on our statistical reports I’ve been deleting things, reorganizing files, and making space for what is next. We’ll be doing some of that work as a community next week when we gather the Parish leadership for a planning retreat. We will begin by answering the question of who we are, both individually, as leaders, and as a whole community. Then we’ll spend some time discerning what God is calling us to here and now and in the next 18 months. Finally we’ll close with some time to take steps towards that call as we align our resources and consider our staffing model. We’ll be making space for new ministry, for what God is calling us to in 2020.
It’s important work to reorganize, to make space, and to prepare for what is coming. It seems like January is regularly a time for this work as our calendar rolls over to a new year. In this work of church planting this making space happens regularly and often as we adapt and respond to the agile Spirit in our midst. The trick is as our community ages, as we establish set rhythms and patterns, to continue to adapt to the spirit. This sometimes means taking files off the computer and storing them on a drive. Sometimes it means ending programs or expressions of the community that have run their course. Sometimes it means saying yes to an idea that wasn’t ready before.
Please pray for us as we gather to do this work as a community in the 22nd.