Last weekend I took the whole weekend off and spent 72 hours disconnected. Part of the time we spent on a farm outside Damascus, playing with the barn kittens, feeding the pigs, and capturing the rogue chicken. We played games, read books, played with watercolors, watched movies sustained by popcorn mixed with m&m’s, and cooked meals together. Then we spent an evening in the Gorge, enjoying the amazing scenery and good food of this special place in Oregon.
It is vital to rest. As we at the Parish, and I personally step into a time of transition with reduced hours here and a new responsibility to the school district it is important to take time off, to get away, to restore and renew. Part of Jayde and my strategic planning last week included setting all of our vacation time for the coming appointment year. We also crafted a rhythm where Jayde will be off one Sunday a month and I will be off one Sunday every other month. With both of us serving the Parish alongside Jeff and Laura there is sufficient coverage to mean that we have the capacity to take this time to enjoy Sabbath and consecutive days away with our loved ones. The pattern of church life often means clergy don’t get to spend time away when everyone else in their family is off, so it’s important to hold those spaces when we can.
In this season I’m also working with a Spiritual Practice Kit called Field Guides for the Way. This box is on rest, so I’m journaling, creating art, blowing bubbles, and reflecting each evening on rest. It’s a great gift to begin this new season grounded and ready for the work ahead.