Darkness and Light

Today is one of those days where I am just a little down.  Perhaps it’s scrolling through Facebook and reading dire news about our climate crisis. Or maybe it’s disappointment and frustration over an event that didn’t go as well as hoped. It’s the gray sky outside and my sore throat. Or the fact that my daughter just turned 14, the age of the three female victims in the Marysville shooting 5 years ago. Something about their smiling faces sticks with me to this day. All of this is true and real.

What is also real and true is the great comfort I find reading scripture and writing liturgy as I prepare the Sunday bulletin.  I use a site called reWorship that pulls resources from across the internet.  Today in my funk these words reminded me of the hope of my faith:

May we dream of a world made new,

Where together we shout for justice,

And as one we fight against oppression.

May we dream of a world made new,

Where together we seek God’s righteousness

And as one we sing God’s praise.

May we dream of a world made new,

Where together we climb God’s mountain,

And as one we enter the promised land.

May we dream of a world made new,

Where together we proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom,

And as one we enjoy its peace, and abundance and love.

~ from Christine Sine’s Godspace website.

There are times of darkness and in the midst of that the light shines. I’m still blue, but I know the hope of God’s way, of community, and of love.  It’s a path that requires work and engagement with the hard stuff. Yet through this God comforts me in my darkness and reminds me that there is something beyond the present moment.


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