I’ve been back from my 8 weeks of renewal leave for 4 weeks now and the thing I’m discovering is that everything was fine without me. Sure people missed me, because we are in relationship and we value one another, but they didn’t really need me in the time I was away. In fact what they learned was they could do it, be that it church, dinner, or life in community.
One thing I’m celebrating about this is that it means that Sellwood Faith Community is not me. When you start something it can be hard to not just make it an extension of self. To see dinner flourish (we had better attendance than last summer when I was here) means that SFC is it’s own entity, not tied to any one person or leader. We’ve created something that is bigger than the sum of it’s parts and that is amazing. So this fall we are continuing to share leadership. Each week folks can sign up to facilitate dinner. I’m the default facilitator, which is a great spot to have. I’m here and valued, but not the only one who wants to or can do this work. It’s so lovely to share with one another in leadership and community.
At Trinity folks are used to a pastor centered model as a mid-sized congregation. In this kind of church culture the pastor is the source of a lot of energy, but this summer with Jayde being new and a rotating series of preachers they were able to really see that they’ve got this. They want me working with them and I want to be serving there. They need my encouragement and vision and I need their wisdom and insight. It’s not a one sided relationship. It’s more like I’m their safety net and coach as they explore what God has in store for them.
The Church is alright. The Parish is healthy. The Faith Community is stable. We’re small and we are seeking ways to be sustainable long term, so we’ve not got it all figured out, yet there is something compelling in this place of balanced relationship.
On some days this can be hard on the ego, because it turns out it isn’t all about me. I’m replaceable. And then I remember that’s actually the point. The more I let go, the more I rest and surrender self, the more the parish becomes like God’s vision for us. And isn’t that wonderful?
-Pastor Eilidh
Image from somethingtochalkaboutjd.com. Found on my friend Megan’s Facebook.