The past few months I have worked to visit every member of the parish who I had not visited before. I’m down to my last 6 households to schedule. While there are many different ways to build relationship sitting with someone and listening to their story is powerful. Doing this work I have gone on a hike with a hydrogeologist, sipped root beer floats with a 96 year old, heard why certain symbols matter to a family, found a passion for children’s time in a young man, and eaten a lot of cookies with my coffee. I’ve also had people name to me the things they can’t say to anyone else, like difficult family situations, past trauma and violence, or worries about health. I’ve gotten to celebrate the goodness of life and gratitude with two different bedridden women and pray over a new home for someone transitioning to memory care. I’ve gotten to laugh with folks who I’ve only ever talked to as they shake my hand at the end of worship. I’ve seen family photos spanning generations and gardens that are labors of love.
It might seem old fashioned to do this work, but we’ve always made a practice of having meals or visiting with people who start coming to Sellwood Faith Community. Our focus is on building a community together, and to do that work we need to know one another. I am so grateful for these connections and the way that knowing the people I serve makes me a better pastor, preacher, partner, and leader.