This weekend I got to go to the Taylor Swift show in Miami with Paige. While most Swifties are friendly, welcoming people the folks that sat in front of us at the concert were not. the people beind us even commented on the negative energy. The ladies in front of us were rude to us when we first sat down, yelled at Paige about her bracelets she had made and how she needed to be a better trader. They held up their cell phones above their heads to video nearly every song.. The lady in front of me was constantly messing with her hair and flipping it back over the seat on to me. They were also vaping during the show, despite very clear messaging about all forms of smoking being prohibited. At one point, after getting hit by hair for the millionth time, I gently rested my knee on the back of the chair in front of me. I knew some of the woman’s hair was under my leg, and that when she next messed with it she would get hurt from the hair pulling. But quickly I moved my knee. I was not going to retaliate or bring mean energy in to the place. Though I could easily pretend it was an accident to pull her hair I would know that I was simply annoyed and acting to hurt another, however slightly. And then the ladies in front of us started complaining about two girls down the way who had slid into some empty seats. They even complained to security, although the girls were doing nothing to impede their concert enjoyment. Security checked in with the girls, but didn’t do anything, but at that moment I decided if security acted or the ladies did anything more I would tell security my ladies had been vaping. I was willing to cause trouble on behalf of someone else. None of this ruined my enjoyment of the show or made me miss important Taylor moments. It did leave me with things to think about.
This minor moment of concert interaction is simply a reflection of the choices we have to make every day in the world. How do we handle rude, annoying people? How do we deal with folks who impede our lives and freedom to live? How do we respond when others are being targeted? When do we hurt others just to feel better and when do we act to protect ourselves and others? If the vaping had triggered an asthma attack for me I would definitely have complained to security! Each of us, every day has the choice to build the world we want and to treat others with dignity and kindness. It might seem like a fleeting moment of interaction, but these exchanges add up and shape the world.
May we all be good seat mates, with healthy boundaries, who respect the experience of others, and stand up for justice (and Taylor).