To everything there is a season

I am part of several things right now that are in times of change and transition.  As chair of conference trustees am working with Claremont School of Theology, which recently moved out of their campus and into a church in Hollywood. We are wondering what’s next for them and how they stabilize financially after a decade of turmoil. In their 140 year history a lot has changed in the world.  Their institution has been a wonderful gift to the wider church, and it might just close one day. While there will be grief in that, there is also a knowing that nothing lasts forever.  How do we let go of what we have loved and what has served us when the time comes that it is no longer working?  How do we know what to fight to save and what to let go of?  I am not sure what path CST will take, but I know that the leadership is faithfully walking with God as they continue to serve their students and the wider church.

In our culture we seem to want to build things that out last us. What would it be like if it was good enough that something lasted for a season, made a difference in a moment.  What if instead of trying to build institutions and empires we worked on creating and being a a part of communities of care? As churches all over the country consider their call in their communities and what is next I pray we can all be set free to dance and experiment as God’s spirit move with us!



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