2 years ago I got reading glasses. It was a bit hard to admit that my days of 20/10 vision were long behind me! All thorough out this summer our daughter Paige has been asking me when I’m going to the eye doctor. She doesn’t think it’s quite so much fun as I do that she now has to read every price tag and label for me. So finally I made an appointment to face the continuing process of aging and decline that happens to us all if we are lucky to live long enough. And surprisingly my eyesight was better than last time. I saw more small letters. I responded more quickly to the flashes. Now my doctor does recommend I carry my glasses with me so I can use them at the store and while trying to read labels or menus, but I don’t need more help than that, at least right now.
Sometimes our self assessments are off and we need a check up. Sometimes the feedback from people around us isn’t the whole picture either. Sometimes we need to really see where we are so we can adjust as needed. Prayer, worship, community, intentional opportunities for growth or study are the ways we check in and get a real picture of our spiritual health. How might you check that you are seeing your faith clearly this summer?