We have been doing really hard work as a parish. We have made the difficult decision to go to a half time pastor and half time administrator beginning July 1 2025. As a result of this decision we developed a staffing transition plan and have been working through that over the past 6 months. Over the last couple of years we have been da journey to discern God’s call for us in this moment in time. We developed a 5 year plan focusing on our land and buildings and using them as places of hospitality and community connection. And while Phase 1 of our Trinity building refresh is nearly done, there is a lot more going on in other areas and with Phase 2 of the refresh. Last year we read the bible over the course of a year, and now we are working on the Bishop’s focus area of Eliminating Racism with our summer reading & worship series on racial reconciliation through the book Be the Bridge.
It has been a lot. It is okay to take a step back when we need it. We all have seasons where traumas resurface, or when reading about battles in the old testament are too hard to read alongside the news stories of the war in Gaza. We all need to be intentional about growth and times when we can stretch our comfort zones, but it is okay to have times when we need rest or time to heal. Times when we just aren’t ready or when it isn’t safe for us emotionally or psychologically. It is okay to have sabbath time.
In September we begin a new season. We start a the next phase of our work on our plans and we will spend our time in worship focusing on joy, community, and gratitude. Seasons turn, and we find ourselves in spaces where we are ready to try something new, to step back into the work, to test the edges. Our faith journey is a series of season. Times of rest and times of work. Times of celebrations and times of loss.
Whatever moment you may be in know that God journeys with you. Take the time and space you need for this season and know that our community has its own seasons too that you get to help shape and move as we all come together to respond to God’s deep love and the spirit’s stirring.