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We have narrowed down the names for our new spaces available to the community for rent! We decided we wanted to stick with Steele Street which is where the Trinity building is located and then add another word that evokes a sense of gathering and connection. This fits in well with our vision:
Our Why- We believe everyone needs a safe space to be loved for who we are already.
Our What- At this time, God is calling us to relationships and connection, to be a safe place and people, and to prioritize belonging and hospitality in our neighborhood and beyond.
Our How- By stewarding our resources of people, land, & buildings we will create spaces of community & connection to honor God’s call for us.

So now it’s decision time! Which of these options do you think best fits with what we have discerned above?

Steele Street Central
Steele Street Hub
Steele Street Spaces
Steele Street Center
Steele Street Place

Or is there another word you think better captures what we are going for?  Leave your thoughts in a comment below or post on Facebook.

The Trinity building is definitely a place of revival and renewal these days and we are eagerly looking forward to welcoming the community to our new spaces.
