We’re on Our Way

Our Why
We believe everyone needs a safe space to be loved for who we are already.

Our What
At this time, God is calling us to relationships and connection, to be a safe place and people, and to prioritize belonging and hospitality in our neighborhood and beyond.

Our How
By stewarding our resources of people, land, & buildings we will create spaces of community & connection to honor God’s call for us. We will be looking through the lens of MILE as we plan our work

This week the teams for both the Building Refresh and Land portions of our five year plan started their work. The Building Refresh team discussed various areas of the church and broke things into smaller teams.  They will come back together after morning worship on March 17th to share progress.  Gaye is leading up the sign team. We want to be better at sharing who we are with our neighbors. Our current sign has been broken for several years!   Pastor Eilidh is heading up the gathering space team.  We are working to make our fellowship and meeting spot in the back of the sanctuary more comfortable and functional. Gaye is also leading the team taking a look at the nursery downstairs and how we can update the decor, flooring, and more. Marv is leading the Rest Stop team to think about how we can better serve the first responders who use that room. Caley will be cleaning out all the old choir stuff to make more room for hospitality. Tara is working with a group to refresh the Memorial Room, focusing on how we might meet one of our biggest building user requests- more storage!  Trustees will work on the Fellowship Hall floor in earnest.  Please contact any of the leads if you are interested in a team.

For the Land group Wanda is reaching out to Jules Nielsen for some initial support around our questions of zoning and other issues that can help us think though possibilities for the parking lot! The next land group meeting will be the first week of March.  Let Pastor Eilidh know if you are interested in joining these discussions.

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