New Year Reflections

As we enter the last week of the year it is a time for reflection. Our Parish has had an amazing year, with our incredible musical, creation of our 5 year plan, and the continued growth both numerical and spiritual of our congregation. We’ve also known sadness and grief this year as members of our community moved, or died, or left us for their own reasons. We’ve opened our building to new community groups and said good bye to our beloved preschool.  Like any year there has been so much goodness and so much change, loss, and worry. We know that life is like this and so this week we invite you to celebrate and remember the good as you sit with and honor the hard stuff too, both in our shared life and in each of your individual journeys. Taking time to reflect is key to our spiritual growth,  Where do we see God moving in and through joy and pain?  What is God making new in us as we journey through these life expereinces? Won’t you share in the comments something from our community or from your life worth reflecting on this year?

Sharing our reflections strengthen us as community as we live out our faith practice together.



My reflections-

Our daughter going to college is so much to celebrate, and also a huge change for all of us.

My mom’s death is still so fresh and so hard to believe some days! Sitting with the bigness of this for sure as we move into the new year.


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