Christmas Chaos

This last week we celebrated our Christmas Musical and it was magnificent and holy Chaos.  So many people or all different backgrounds and ages led in worship through this program. We had little ones yelling about signs, a rather motley crew of shepherds pointing at the baby, a Mary who snort laughs, a persistent reporter, an amazingly garbed pastoral angel, and beautiful music to undergird this joyful retelling of the story of Christ’s coming.

If you haven’t had a chance to watch yet you can catch it here. This worship experience so exemplifies who we are as a parish, imperfect, loving, full of joy and laughter, real about the barriers to that joy, willing to try something new, joining together to share the store of God in there here and now, bringing all sorts of gifts so that the work can be done. Better than any brochure or statement this is a living testament to who we are as God’s people here in this place.  Thank you to everyone who pulled of this madness and magic. Special gratitude to our amazing Music Director Caley who came up with this idea, found the script, figured out what music to add, coached & cajoled us along, and lead us with such love and grace.  Thanks as well to Rhonda who figured out the costumes and organized all of that and to Emily who found my amazing angel outfit on buy nothing!

I leave you with Joseph’s last line from the play- It’s not your job to make them believe. You just have to give them the truth, and God will do the rest. That is our work as a parish to show up with love, to tell the story of God and to trust that God moves in and through our Christmas Chaos.


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