When the worst happens

This weekend my mom experienced a super rare complication from a cardiac procedure she had last month.  In fact her medical team could only find one other patient who has a similar case and it was a 40something man from South Korea a couple of years ago! My sister and I with onsite support and guidance from my brother-in-law are figuring out with the doctors next steps and options.  It has been a whirl wind few days.

 And what’s great about the parish is that I am completely replaceable! Quickly someone stepped up to preach Sunday morning, and someone else offered to lead dinner church. Folks pitched in to get details completed and address needs for our building users.  A truly functional community is able to react to chaos and adjust, and this is exactly what is happening here.

I hope to be back in time for Sunday.  I don’t want to miss out on the amazing food and joyful worship of our annual Thanksgiving celebration with the Vietnamese Bible Church that shares our sanctuary. And I know that if I still need to be with my family in Idaho many will step in and make sure the fellowship and praise continue as planned.


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