Each year we take a month in the fall to promote stewardship. This is when we remember the promises we make to one another as a community and think about how we want to live out those promises. As United Methodists we promise when we join a new church to uphold our faith community by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. Our theme from now through November is Holy Character and what a better fit then to think about our own characters and how our actions reflect who God has made us to be and what we are called to be about in the here and now.
You are invited to prayerfully consider your prayer & devotional practice, how you show up in the community, how you might share your resources to bless and strengthen the parish, how you will lead & support the work of God in the world, and how you will tell the story of God with your life. Prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
We’ll celebrate together on October 29th with pizza at how we all make a difference in the world. You can find pledge cards in the newsletter, at our weekly gatherings or use the online version here. Please submit your cards on or before October 29th!