Our Bishop Cedrick Bridgeforth has set a direction for all the churches, clergy, & ministries in our area.  He is calling it MILE.
Ministry that matters
Itinerancy and location
Lay Ministry Enhancement
Eliminating Racism

blue sign on tree in woods reading 6 miles

Every fall we hold the annual business meeting of the church called Charge Conference. This is where we reflect on the year with our District Superintendent, remember our members who have passed, set our compensation package, and honor the ministry of the retired and assigned clergy connected to our church.  This year we will also be deciding on one thing to do in each of the MILE areas to commit to for the coming year. To help us get ready you are invited to watch the Bishop’s sermons about MILE which he delivered at his installation service and at the various annual conference worship gatherings. You can find the sermons linked here.

I am including MILE in our draft 5 year plan that we will begin reviewing at the end of this month.  This document will serve as a springboard for us to refine, edit, and rework until together we accurately reflect God’s call for us. While we don’t have a date for our charge conference yet that is when we will commit to our plan and move together into living out our how!


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