Before the pandemic we had bible study every Tuesday morning. It was a pretty good crowd of folks for the size of our church. And then once we resumed in person there were just 3 of us, which ended up being just 2 of us when the third came out of retirement! So for the past year almost there have been 2 of us, working faithfully through the scripture for each Sunday. Learning and growing in faith. There have been some days when I wondered if it was worth it. Yes these sessions help me in my sermon writing, but is bible study for 2 the right thing? Should I change the time or advertise more or do something? But I didn’t and we just kept plugging away. And then last week that 1 parishioner who has been here every week asked if he could invite his 2 friends, one from New Mexico and one from Oklahoma to join us. I said sure. So this week we set up a zoom and had this amazing bible study across the miles.
Sometimes it just takes time for something to bloom or grow. I am so glad instead of trying to tinker with something good to make it what I thought it should be I let it be and it turned into something else. This is so often the lesson of ministry, to let things evolve and flourish in their own time.