This week I am embarking on another silent retreat. Every year I try to take at least 48 hours away to be in silence. No media, no talking, just time to paint and pray and cook and be. After 24 hours the voice in my head even gets quiet and then I enter into another way of thinking and being. It is a gift to be able to take this time of true sabbath to rest and center myself. To rid my time of all distractions and engagements and simply sleep, eat, and dwell within myself.
As always this retreat time has been long planned, and it come in a season that is inconvenient all of a sudden. I have just been sick and missed a Sunday, now I am missing another! My mom is coming and I need to get the house ready for her visit next week. I have a school board policy meeting during my time away, so will have to interrupt my silence for that due to a scheduling error on my part. It’s tempting to cancel since there are so many reasons that complicate this time away, but I value this opportunity too much. I have learned that our faith community does fine without me! My mom can help me make up her bed if needed. And even if I have to interrupt my planned time for a meeting, the time I do have is still rich and healing.
Making space for these kinds of spiritual practices can be challenging, but I know that I need this time away and will be a better pastor, board member, parent, partner, and person for it.