Prayers, presence, gifts, service, witness

Every year in the fall we as a parish make promises about the year ahead.  We reflect upon the vow we make when we join a faith community to support it with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.  While the pledge idea originated with a very practical bent towards crafting our annual budget, we need to know who is giving how much so we can plan responsibly, my favorite part is all the other ways people show up. It has been an absolute delight to read through all the ways people are giving, loving, and living this year.  I made a word cloud of some of things we are promising for 2023.

The finance team has tallied the pledges to the budget of the parish so far and we are in a really great place. We have some final details to work out, but it looks like we will once again be able to meet our building needs with the donations from our user groups and then cover ministry and our shared giving to the wider church through your gifts. Thank you for your continued generosity towards this community of faith and the world at large through our apportionments.

If you haven’t pledged yet and would like to take some time to engage in this discipline you can use the form here.

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