
I sometimes still cannot believe that I serve a reconciling congregation. 22 years ago, when I was in seminary, I was part of a group called Sacred Worth that was about claiming the sacred worth of LGBTQ+ persons in the church. It seemed like we would never live in a time with an out, happily married lesbian Bishop, It was only the really bold churches that were joining the reconciling ministries network and at General Conference of 2000 it just felt like the church would never get it right.

The United Methodist Church is still struggling to get it right and we have churches with all sorts of viewpoints leaving the denomination right now.  Let’s be clear, our denominational rules discriminate against LGBTQ+ people. Some churches are leaving because they refuse to be part of this discrimination any longer, other churches are leaving because they want more restrictive limits on LGBTQ+ persons. Lots of others, like us, are staying where we are, hoping that when the dust settles the UMC will change and end the rules that deny the sacred worth of so many, despite our rule books proclamation that all people are of sacred worth.

I am proud to serve a parish that welcomes, celebrates, and supports trans folks, queer families, and everyone else too. Our members are creating elementary school Pride events, creating safe homes for queer youth, working on getting pronouns right, and  finding lots of ways to live out the radical, open love of God in our community. It’s been a long 20 years, and we’re not done yet, but God is in our midst, crafting the church I always hoped would be.




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