
This season we are focusing on practices of healing. We are exploring and creating ways to tend our souls after 2 years of pandemic, wrestling with the fall out of climate change, navigating our deeply divided political life, grieving the rise of gun violence in our city, and so much more including our own personal struggles. Our community has lifted up a need to celebrate, to tend to our healing, and to create community connections. Over the next 5 weeks we’ll be playing, praying, practicing anointing, making art, and exploring how to accept and give love. It takes intentionality to heal and different things help different people.

This last week we embraced meditation and used 3 different types of practices. Some people resonated with one type more than another. At dessert church we talked about meditation through song, through hiking, and through silence. There are lots of ways to do the work of caring for our spirits. What’s important is to have an open mind to the ways you can encounter God at work in and through you.

May you join in the work of finding a spiritual practice that makes your heart sing!


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