Inching Forward

This week, with the removal of the state mask mandate, we let our building users know they can choose to resume eating food and drinking coffee during meetings and stop wearing masks. In the office Bill and I are mask-less, but during bible study we put them on. At worship we are still wearing masks as we resume singing. Slowly we are moving into a new phase of the pandemic. After 2 years it’s nice to see smiles and to not feel guilty when I forget my mask in the car and need to run in to the office for something! Dessert church is planning to go back to being dinner church in June. We’ll still be gathering outside, but sitting around a table instead of spread out on the patio.

As with this whole pandemic we know that a new variant or an updated discovery might change our course, but for now, as spring blossoms, it feels good to be inching froward. One of the best places to keep track of the pandemic and to be ready for changes is You can click on Oregon and on your county to get the latest numbers and see trend graphs.

I am so grateful for the adaptability of the Parish over these 2 long year. Together we have found ways to be church and stretched beyond what we thought possible Our plan is to still celebrate our community with a breakfast potluck and pajama day at Trinity when we are far enough into the endemic phase to resume things like potlucks!


Covid Act Now image of risk across Oregon

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