When I Disappear

On Thursday I was working with Bill, our parish volunteer secretary/project manager/pastoral idea coordinator, to break into a locked cabinet. I wanted to get a different screw driver and told him I’d be right back. The next time Bill saw me was nearly 2 hours later when he was getting in to his car in the parking lot. I was standing in the lot talking to a parishioner who had dropped off food for Manna Table and needed to chat about some things. In that 2 hours I dealt with an administrative/district issue, talked to a houseless man about potential resources for his situation, chatted with several people who dropped by church with food for Manna Table and answered the phone for a telemarketing call!

Bill knows that when I disappear like that it’s because the holy work of pastoring is uneven and unpredictable. This week my job required me to buy and deliver chocolate cake, sort out complex fiscal issues, fix a broken sink, write a letter of reference, and a thousand other unplanned and interesting tasks.

Yesterday afternoon I was working on a blog on the state of the parish, but didn’t finish it before another series of holy interruptions occurred. You’ll get that blog next week! For now know that this work of ours is often messy, surprising, and always full of unexpected glimpses of God in our midst.


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