Adrenaline Soaked Joy

Crisis after crisis seems to be erupting around us. Gas in the building means we have to cancel worship. Local high school in lockdown with reports of an armed student. Spending hours hunting down a booster shot to protect against Omicron. I find myself addicted to the adrenaline. I’m doom scrolling the news, feeding this high of constant vigilance. How can the joy of God with us enter in when I’m so distracted I can’t even hear myself think?

We have to break the cycle. So we come, gathering together in worship at the Trinity sanctuary, on the back patio at the Sellwood Faith House, and online over zoom and Facebook live. In these spaces we listen to a different voice. We slow our breathing and our hearts as we pray. We break the cycle of crisis and worry and listen for the God who joins us in the worry, the fear, the drama and reminds us of something bigger than this moment, more powerful than adrenaline.

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.


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