Entering in to peace

Peace seems so hard sometimes. Especially when we make it about a perfect, serene state, free from conflict.  Peace is actually the transcendent, that which we encounter not when we avoid conflict or sorrow or difficulty, but rather what we find when we embrace the heart ache and the messiness.  It seems so counterintuitive. And so peace is something for which we must prepare and work.  Advent helps us to do that, to take the time to prepare to enter into difficulty and to trust that God is with us. This season invites us into a counter cultural look at the world. Instead of preparing to give gifts or stocking up on items for baking, advent is a time to prepare our spirits, to reflect, to remember God-with us in Christ. 

In a time where our world feels anything but peaceful we celebrate the prince of peace. I am taking time in this week of violence and loss to feel my feelings, to cry, and in that to experience the deep truths of a God who weeps with us. Entering in is the path of Jesus, who entered in to the world. May we embrace our feelings, enter in to the moment and there perhaps find the holy and beautiful peace of God.


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