I am somewhat of a traditionalist when it comes to the church season of advent. Hope, peace, joy, and love are the four Sundays, period. I think because at my core this is what Christmas means to me. Christ is our hope, his is the way of peace. Joy is all about celebrating this amazing gift of God-with-us. And all of it is wrapped in a big shiny bow of love. This fall when we as a community tried to distill our beliefs down to one word, so many of us chose love. For me love, God’s love, love of others, love of self, love of the earth is what a life of faith is all about.
So this week we hang on to hope. I need it this year. The world still seems to be tilting on its axis. Everywhere I look are exhausted, overwhelmed, burned out people. Friends are quitting their jobs in droves. Colleagues are packing up their bibles and trading them in for chef hats and administrative assistant gigs. It feels like lots of things are changing and I’m not sure I like it. I can’t pretend this is all just a temporary, pandemic related blip. We are permanently changed from before. Right now it’s hard to see the good that might come from changes like less stuff on store shelves or people following different work. So I hope. That as the world shifts we find more humane ways to order our economy. I trust that Christ is here with us in the shifting. And I know that through it all, the light will still shine.