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Every year our community asks folks to make promises. We base these promises on our membership vows to support the church by our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. This is both a practical act and one of spiritual formation.

Our parish is funded by the gifts of our people and the donations of the folks with whom we share our building. As we plan for our 2022 budget it is helpful to know how much income we can expect, so that we can plan our expenditures wisely. One of the things we believe in is a balanced budget. There are lots of things we could do, but we need to be disciplined in making sure we are using our resources wisely and responsibly. Having a good idea of our income lets us be more strategic and clear about our expenses.

While this practical side of stewardship is vitally important to our ministry as a community the rest of the pledge piece is hugely important to each person’s individual spiritual growth. Each fall we ask ourselves how often will we pray and how will we pray? How are we going to show up? What ways are we serving God in our community and in the world? How will we share the story of God? It’s a chance to set goals for ourselves and to work towards them thoughtfully. Maybe it’s time to faithfully step back from committee leadership or to change up your prayer routine. Stewardship is a call to reflection and to think about how God has gifted us and what we can do to live into those holy gifts.

If you would like to make a pledge you can use the form here. Keep a copy for yourself and check in quarterly so that you might adjust to keep yourself on track. Accountability and discipline are an important part of living out faith, so may these be blessed tools to you in this season of harvest abundance.
