
In the back of our sanctuary at Trinity was a somewhat unsightly pillar. Years ago the pews around it had been removed and it had different colors of paint on it, reflecting the different sanctuary updates over the years. Then we tried to paint it to match the other pillars and picked the wrong color, so now it had even more weird splotches on it.

As the first thing when someone came in for worship, it communicated a lack of care and a sort of shabbiness, not reflective at all of the lovely people in this vibrant community. This fall we commissioned one of the artists in our congregation to paint the pillar. We asked that it be welcoming and gave her free rein to create. The result is a four sided theological statement that members of the parish helped complete this week.

As folks walk in we begin with a warm yellow with butterflies and the word COME. It is an invitation in to joy and new life.

The next side of the pillar has a gorgeous take on Van Gogh’s irises. This represents the joy of creation and the beauty of faith.

Third we come to the dark night of the soul. This is the side of the pillar I can see from the pulpit. With clouds, lightning and fire it is a depiction of all the stress, terror, pain, evil, and worry we face. We are not alone in these moments, however. A small lamb sits on the wall, with us through it all, just as Jesus was with us unto death and beyond. There are prayer boxes located here to share prayers of confession, intercession, and gratitude.

Lastly is the spirit at work in community. A collage of people from our parish doing all manner of things hangs above a space for announcements and invitations into the life of the community. This side is seen by folks as they exit the sanctuary, going out into the world with the Spirit’s daring among them.

It is truly amazing how this pillar has changed the feeling as one enters the worship space. A huge thank you to Susan for her vision and work in this beautiful gift to our church.


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