This week I am thrilled because I completed all of the forms for our annual charge conference. This is the big annual meeting of the church where we approve the pastor’s salary, review our Safe Sanctuaries Policy, list our assets, and officially welcome all of our new members and remember those who have moved or passed away. This meeting is part of the traditional structure of the United Methodist Church, and every year it shifts and changes to accommodate the new realities of church and the world today. This year we are reporting on the anti-racist work we have done in our churches as well as documenting our disaster preparedness.
Sometimes this work can seem tedious. I wish our church leadership form would auto fill so I can just make changes as needed instead of inputing everyone’s contact info for the 5th year in a row! And yet as much as I grumble what I find is a chance to reflect. To remember Lois, Carolyn, & Ruth. To think about the work we are doing to keep our children & vulnerable adults safe. To celebrate the leaders of this community. To be proud of the work we have done around race, and to recognize how much more work we have to do.
Charge Conference isn’t really about the paperwork. It’s a moment to take stock of where we are and where we are going. It is a time to celebrate God in our midst and dream about what’s next. I hope you will join us via zoom on October 5th at 6:30pm. You can review all the forms ahead of time at this link. Eilidh’s compensation form is here. And Jeff’s is here. Both pastors make minimum salary as required by the annual conference. Todd’s narrative about his extension ministry is here. Don Colburn’s retired clergy report is included below.