This past Saturday our Parish leadership team met to update each other on our work. What we determined is that we are tired. This year and the brain fog, grief, changes, and isolation have meant that many of us, while hopeful as things are once again shifting, are feeling tender and weary. We took some time to pray together, to share our how our souls are doing right now, and to reflect on what God is calling us to over the next three months.
Some of us are just treading water right now as we continue work of maintaining the church building and programs. Others of us are ready to do some work evaluating what we do and thinking about what we want to keep doing and what we need to leave behind as we start new ministries. Some of us are looking to this summer as a season of renewal so that we might ready to resume our work of make the church more accessible to all, formalizing our welcome, becoming more adapt at telling our story, evaluating our imagery and ministries, expanding the variety of our worship experiences, igniting new learning spaces, and creating those new ministries.
One of the best things about this faith community and our leadership is the ability to adapt and adjust. We will keep gathering and sharing life together as we continue to recover from this weird year. We will follow God’s call for us to be people of light in our neighborhoods.
When fall comes we’ll share even more opportunities for all folks in the Parish to get involved in the work of this new chapter of our Parish life. In the meantime keep praying for our community and our leaders.