This Sunday we’ll be opening up envelopes with Star Words in them. These words were sent at random to those who received advent packets. If you didn’t get a word or didn’t get enough for your household you can use the random word generator here. The point of star words is for the word to guide you throughout the year, just like the star guided the wisemen. I hear people in our community talk about their words all year long and how they are finding God through their deepening understanding of their words.
My word for 2020 was holy. I find holiness so much in the slow down and the quietness of rest. This year there was some of that, especially in the late spring when things were still shut down, but the initial chaos of the pandemic had worn off. I also found holiness this year in new ways of doing ministry, in the painting of the lessons & carols display, in noticing new things.
I’m not sure what 2021 will hold, but I know for sure that as I focus on my star word God will appear and I will find deeper connections to my faith.
Happy Epiphany, may the wonder of the light of the stars guide you all year through.