Do Not Be Afraid

365 times in the bible someone says, “do not be afraid.” One reminder to not fear for every day of the year. In the course of the telling of the Christmas story we hear this reminder when Gabriel comes to Mary, when angels appear to both Jacob & Zechariah, and when the good news of Jesus’ birth comes to the shepherds, There is somewhat of a practical element to these examples. I cannot imagine how scary it would be to see an angel appear. But I think that the angel’s words are less about the shock of the angelic appearance and more about the pivotal moment of holy transformation that is unfolding.  For Mary, Jacob, & Zachariah they are being intimately invited into the story of the birth of Jesus. The shepherds are the very first to hear the good news of Jesus, who was born for all people. 

Jesus says do not be afraid as he heals people, as he calls the disciples, as he preaches, and after his death and resurrection. These are all moments when he is freeing people, calling people into ministry, telling them about the holy possibilities of God’s way of life, and showing them that God is bigger even than death.

This Christmas as we celebrate remember that this is a moment of change, a moment when we are set free. God is at work in this moment, making new all sorts of things.  Christ comes again. Do not be afraid.


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