5 Months In

We have been online and physically distanced for 5 months now. We’re in a very different place than where we were in March.  I have gotten comfortable with preaching to a green dot on my computer camera. My brain has definitely made a switch around seeing people.  It used to feel like when I interacted with people on zoom that I didn’t really have time with them, but I realized now when I think about my interactions I don’t differentiate between in person or online.  Parish leadership is thinking about the future and trying to be proactive in this new reality. The clergy team is enjoying thinking about creative ways we can make worship more experientially deep. We’re also contemplating a walk-through/ drive-through Christmas Eve lessons & carols display on our property.

This is not what we want life to be like. I miss so much about our shared rhythms and life together. And yet life still moves, there is still much to be celebrated and new ways to engage. We’re having 4 members join the church on Sunday morning! We are baptizing a baby on Sunday night at SFC. We’re exploring a new ministry idea and working to hire our new staff person.

5 months in the world is still unfamiliar, difficult, and a bit scary, but we are being church and finding ways to live and love together. For this I rejoice!


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