
A long time ago we identified that our dinner gatherings were often very verbal.  We discussed scripture, told stories of our own faith experiences, wrestled with theological positions, and chatted about our lives. Not everyone expresses their faith or experiences community in the talking, so we added experimental pieces.  Sometimes at dinner we paint or build carts or play in water or walk a labyrinth.

During these times of distancing and online gatherings we have defaulted to verbal experiences.  This last week I decided to have us take some time to write poems and stories in response to the creation story in Genesis 2. It was really wonderful to sit and write while a little one burbled in the background, Megan got help from her folks, and the birds sang in someone’s backyard.  And it was so nice to be together reflecting and working and then discussing the process. People wrote beautiful poems and reflections about God in creation. It was interesting to note how many of us engaged with the concept of dust.

As we continue to meet virtually it’s important to continue to adjust, experiment, and find different ways to encounter God with us. In the midst of strange times God continues to move and stir us in new and different ways.


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