This week I find myself surrounded by flowers. Some I bought for myself, some from friends, and some from parishioners. I love flowers, and at one point in my life I bought myself flowers every week for the dining room table. Cats who ate flowers and knocked over vases ended that practice and I never took it back up. This means it’s especially lovely right now to get to enjoy flowers in my living room, kitchen, office, and dining room.
Small spots of beauty make a difference in these difficult times. For me these flowers represent love from the people who gave them to me, they represent the beauty of God’s creation, they represent happiness in the vibrancy of the colors, they represent fragility in strength in their very nature.
Spiritual practices are like flowers in our lives. I’ve been participating in the evening prayers at Taize every day. It’s a moment of beauty, joy, and rest in what can sometimes be high stress and challenging times. Our zoom coffees, worship conversations, and streamed Sunday morning reflections also offer glimpses of God, community, strength, fragility, love, and more.
I hope your days are full of flowers and glimpses of the good, the holy, and the light that persists even in the chaos of today.