Sellwood Faith Community has always been about experimenting and adapting as we try to follow God’s call in our neighborhood. We’ve always had gatherings for meals as the heart of our community, but over the 7 years we have been doing this work in this place we’ve engaged in a variety of service projects, neighborhood facing engagements, parties, community gatherings, and classes. How we have shown up has changed based on the people in our faith community and the needs of the neighborhood. Now is no different as we as community figure out how to gather on zoom, how to be present to our neighbors in this strange time, and how to continue to answer God’s call to love.
Our blessing box has been a place where people from the neighborhood share their fears, their joys, and their hopes. During the past 6 weeks we’ve seen a huge growth in the number of comments shared. People need an outlet in these times to share their worries and give thanks for the good things. So many people have thanked us for creating this space in our neighborhood. One person wrote a 4 page letter, just getting out all the stuff that has been building up during the pandemic.
Another way we are adapting is by setting up a water station on warm days. It’s difficult, especially for our houseless neighbors, to find water these days. So we are putting out a large insulated water dispenser and cups along with some granola bars.
Paying attention to what is going on in the community and inventorying what we have to offer is the continuous work of our faith community and we will continue in lockdown and beyond.