
At our annual gathering of church leadership last week one of our members who has been around this specific church a long time said that this was one of the most wonderful, dynamic times in the life of the faith community. As we talked about the future of our divided denomination and the uncertainties of life, the leadership at the table spoke of their hope, their joy, and the beauty of the life of the Parish.  We’re engaging children in our neighborhood, we’re adding new folks, (in fact last week at morning worship 42% of the folks were new since we formed the Parish collaboration!), we’re engaging with the big issues around us including trans acceptance and our northwest internment history, we’re increasing the experiential elements of worship, and we’re working together to formally claim our inclusive stance.

This is a community that is rich. Not necessarily financially, although we are solid and stable there. We are rich in life, in love, in community.  This is a faith community that welcomes and integrate people into our shared life. Even those who are new to our dinner gatherings are already attending the family events of other folks and engaging with each other outside of Sunday night.

There is life here, and it moves. There is a rhythm here and it carries us along. There is a song of God that we are singing and it crescendos and decrescendos as we proclaim and pray as we gather and go.

The Southeast Portland Parish in this our 3rd year of collaboration is surprising us and continuing to challenge us all to live our faithfully and joyfully.



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