Evaluating and Adjusting

One of the things we try to do on a regular basis at the Parish is to evaluate and adjust. Jayde and I do this ourselves in our weekly staff meetings. We also bring this ethos to the various leadership teams of the parish. We ask how’s it going? What’s working? What might need to change? Where do we think we’re going and how are we getting there? At first this was a bit hard for people. For some folks it was the first time they had encountered these kinds of questions. What we’ve found is the more of us who are thinking about where God is calling us and how we’re living that out the better.  We are able to make changes and be more effective.  We’re able to try things, fail, and try again. We are able to try things, succeed, and build upon that success. It’s hard work that takes a healthy sense of humility for all involved.  Sometimes we’re ending long running programs, things that people loved and made a difference in their lives.  Sometimes something works in a season to help people grow spiritually, and then it’s time to move on. There’s no resting on the status quo in this model, but it’s a refreshing course of continually checking our compass as a parish to make sure we’re still following the direction of the source of all.

This month we’re working on evaluating Snack Church, scheduling and developing a strategic planning retreat for leadership in January, and continuing to begin each staff meeting by talking through the week before and what went well and what needs some adjustment.

I’m grateful to have clergy partners that are willing to do this kind of work and lay leadership who are open to improve and change as we center on the work of the Parish.


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