In the past 6 years, I’ve laughed and cried a lot at the SFC table. This Sunday I did a healthy deal of both as members of our community shared the journey they have been on to truly love and celebrate who God made them to be. It got me thinking about the slow and amazing work of transformation that happens in this life we share. We sit at a table and eat, laugh, name the things we can’t name anywhere else. We cry over the difficulties of life, share our vulnerabilities, and challenge our theologies.
After enough truth-telling, love, and challenge we change. We begin to resemble people who are secure enough to risk, who are brave enough to imagine, and who are convinced that this slow hard work of community makes us more whole.
The table is an open space for everyone to come. Sometimes folks are quiet and just absorb the conversation around them. Sometimes we engage in an activity where we are making bread or walking a labyrinth or drumming a psalm or illustrating the passion as told in the book of Matthew. All of it slowly binds us together in a way that sets each one free.
If you’ve been curious about what might be in your life, if you are looking for a motley crew of people trying to be faithful, if you long for connection and renewal dinner is at 5:30 on Sundays and snack church is at 6:45 on Mondays.