New Again

This spring we split off some of our leadership from Sunday Dinner and started Snack Church. I was worried a little bit about what might happen to dinner.  In the past when we’ve started a second gathering people have migrated to the new thing and the original gathering has suffered. I voiced this concern at our spring quarter clergy meeting and Jeff reminded me to be patient.  He pointed out how different the community was in this season and shared that he believed dinner would actually grow.  And he was right. Snack Church is thriving, and so is Dinner.  We have new folks participating and committed people joining the community.

Multiplying can be scary. Taking the risk to divide can make everything feel weak and vulnerable, but here we are thriving and growing. This work of church planting and emerging faith communities means that it’s all new again over and over. Sometimes I long for things to be settled and stable, but then I remember that this is an illusion and that our God, our faith, our lives are dynamic and changing. I am so glad we have been given the chance to adjust and grow through the Parish.



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