I have recently announced my candidacy for the school board in the Portland Public School district. As part of the whirlwind that has been these last few weeks, I have participated in several endorsement interviews with education stakeholder groups. Every single interview begins with the question, “Why are you running?” It is also the question others in my life, including folks in the church, have asked me.
I am running because this is the next step in a lifelong commitment to following God. I look back at my life, at my public school education, my participation in my high school’s 21st Century Council, my stint as an AmeriCorps VISTA in a K-8 school, my work as an AmeriCorps literacy program director, my volunteerism with my daughter’s school, Trinity’s involvement with Grout Elementary, and I see how God has been preparing me for this task.
I believe it is my life’s work to use what I have, where I am to make the world look more like a place of restoration, peace, justice, equality, and light. This means using my voice, my experience, my flexible job schedule, my financial stability, my network, and my wits. I am called to disrupt the systems of inequality that lead to disproportionate discipline, a big achievement gap, and a continued culture of sexual and peer violence in our schools.
What I’m finding in this season is that it is not just about the external work of helping make our schools places of safety and strength for students. God is working within me to break down my own barriers to God’s harmonious way. As a privileged white woman, I have already begun the work of recognizing my own bias and baggage. This process has me listening deeply and further understanding the way my own actions, opportunities, and experiences have contributed to an unjust and unequal world which is not in alignment with God’s kindom. Whatever happens, this season of learning and growing has been gift enough.
I do hope to win however because I know God is calling me to speak peace and love to the wider world. I believe every single person in our city is a beloved child of God who deserves to thrive. I believe in justice and I know that we can do better for our children.
My work on the school board will not be about proselytizing or evangelism. I won’t privilege items or arguments that come from a faith perspective. I will work to set aside my own lens to see what is best for all. If I am elected my time on the board will be about living love and contributing to a more just world.
I will continue to serve at the Southeast Portland Parish. If I win I will reduce my hours to 3/4 time. Partnering with Jayde, Jeff, Laura and the amazing lay leadership of the Parish will ensure the work we’ve begun here will continue.
Running for office is an amazing adventure. I am honored to be learning, growing, and sharing some of who I am in order to contribute to our communal task of making our community more like what it can be.